Proclaiming Christ to Northern Virginia and the World
Our Mission is the Making and Maturing Disciples of Jesus Christ
About Us
We are a Bible-teaching church in Northern Virginia.
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Sunday Mornings at Covenant
Equipping Classes
Our equipping classes aim to strengthen the church with biblical knowledge, sound doctrine, and tools for faithful Christian life and witness. The class topics include Old and New Testament Survey, Church History, Systematic Theology, and Christian Essentials. All ages are welcome to attend and participate.
Covenant Kids
Covenant Kids is a safe, secure, stable environment filled with sound teaching that kids enjoy. We endeavor to partner with parents to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ, thereby contributing to the church’s mission.
Membership Matters
This class is essential if you want to know more about Covenant Reformed Baptist Church and how to become a member. We believe that membership in a local church is vital for the growth of every follower of Jesus, so we walk through the biblical foundation for membership, our Confession of Faith, and important aspects of the church.